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liveusb on a ntfs filesystem - grub2
  • erniaernia March 2010
    If you for some reason (as the 4 Gb file size limit of vfat) want to have a live usb on a ntfs filesystem you can use the grub2 bootloader. I write how i did it until i can (almost) remember:
    start the pc from the slitaz cd (or iso in virtualbox)
    as root mount your ntfs partition under /boot. your partition could be different from sda1 if you have more than one disk, so be very careful about what you type on the keyboard.
    mkdir /boot
    mount /dev/sda1 /boot

    then remove grub and install grub2
    tazpkg remove grub
    tazpkg get-install grub2

    now install grub2 in your MBR

    grub-install --no-floppy /dev/sda

    if you got a "embedding area too small ..." error read this and leave some free space before your first partition. i left 1 Mb but probably i've been a lot abundant. now create a grub.cfg file in /boot/grub/ and put this inside it:

    set timeout=5

    set default=0

    # (0) Slitaz
    menuentry "Slitaz" {
    #insmod ntfs
    set root=(hd0,1)
    linux /boot/bzImage root=/dev/null lang=it_IT kmap=it rw vga=normal autologin
    initrd /boot/rootfs.gz

    change the options in the linux line to reflect your needs.
    now you could reboot if it wasn't because i forgot to do a tazusb gen-liveusb in the start. if you do it now then you must reinstall grub2 in your mbr because slitaz would install another bootloader wich does not work with ntfs, so i did this:
    mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
    mkdir /boot/boot
    cp /media/cdrom/boot/bzImage /boot/boot/
    cp /media/cdrom/boot/rootfs.gz /boot/boot/

    good luck

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