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[SOLVED] enV Touch USB ID 1004:6000 3G modem
  • I6JoKeR7II6JoKeR7I March 2010
    I am a newb at this but im managing fine....My Only Problem now is i have been trying to get online with my Verizon 3g phone... i downloaded and installed the 3g packages from jozee i cant get wvdial to install because file libwvstreams.pc is not in the packages_config path i have wvstreans but dont know what to do with it. i have to use windows for internet so it is hard to tell you excactly what is going on in my comands..i will read some more threads try some things and hand write a log and update my post later.

    how do you make that yellow command box in the posts..I'd like to join the

    goal is work towards my offensive security expert certification

    havent messed with linux since middle school and the "Hacker" movie crazy.
    Great movie though..

    Any help would greatly be appreciated....
  • I6JoKeR7II6JoKeR7I March 2010
    Ok tinkered around a bit and got wvstreams to then i installed wvdial (P.S. cooking version of wvdial will not install for it because i have the stable?) wvdial i installed was compiled from source.. when i try to run wvdialconf it says command not found even though i can see it in /usr/local/bin

    I read that it might be beacause that directory is not in root's path and in non-root users path
    im suppose to add it to root by modding $PATH to $PATH:/usr/local/bin by making the changes to /root/.bashrc or /root/.cshrc

    will try and see if it works will update to let yall know how it went!!!
  • I6JoKeR7II6JoKeR7I March 2010
    i figured it all out but it was a long process and no one commented any way is any one needs help with a 3G usb device i would be glade to help!!!
  • kultexkultex March 2010
    Hi I6JoKeR7I,

    sorry that I did not see your question - because until now it seems, that I am the only one with a 3G modem. But SliTaz is straight forward to UMTS

    and it would be helpful if you could help testing - but I think you have to use the last cooking....


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