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Problems by installing slitaz
  • OliwhoOliwho March 2010
    I've tried to install slitaz to my laptop with the live CD. When it says "unpacking initramfs" the installation stops.

    My computer is a compaq evo N400c with PIII-M 850 MHz and 256 MB RAM - so actually slitaz should run.

    There already have been a discussion about this kind of Problem ( There it was suggested to order the data sets in the ISO file in a new way (as far as I understood). There it says that ", slitaz.bat and must be in the same folder", but I couldn't found the files.

    Thanks at anyone who helps!
  • mojomojo March 2010
    Do you get the "unpacking initramfs" error when you try to boot into the slitaz live cd ?

    Read directions carefully:

    Explains:There it says that ", slitaz.bat and must be in the same folder", but I couldn't found the files.

    That discussion doesn't apply to your computer, you have a cdrom drive which boots.

    Imarts computer has no cdrom drive,usb drive doesn't boot and could only put slitaz frugal install onto his computers hard drive with a fat16 formatted usb key while running msdos.Then he had to make 2 files and download the from another site.All this to boot slitaz from msdos,very clever way to get slitaz installed and running.

  • OliwhoOliwho March 2010
    Hi mojo
    Yes, when I try to install slitaz form the live cd, the computer gets suck by the time it says "unpacking initramfs"

    Ah, I see so Imarts had an other problem... I think I didn't understand, because my English knowledge didn't suffice - actually I come from Germany.

    Anyway, thank you that you deal with my problem ! :)
  • mojomojo March 2010
    Hi Oliwho,

    Try to boot up a different computer with your slitaz live cd .
    Sometimes the iso is corrupt or cdrom burn is bad. Some cdrom drives can't read a cdrom burned in a different drive. When possible burn the linux livecd iso at the slowest speed in the computer you plan to run it on.

    I use my windows XP computer to check the md5sum of livecd iso with hashcalc,then burn+test the cdrom with imgburn. Hashcalc and imgburn programs are free.

    While md5sum of the iso is easy to check in linux accurately finding the true md5sum of a burned cd/dvd on the commandline is a two step process.If anyone knows of a script or can write one that uses isoinfo to find the block size and count of a cd/dvd and then plugs these values into dd which then pipes to md5sum please share.

    When your at the orange and black slitaz menu try adding
    and then press enter to boot. There are different versions of the slitaz iso to try maybe another one might work ? You can also go into your laptops bios and switch options off one at a time,save,try to boot.

  • slicelslicel March 2010
    Unpacking without end often means not enough ram. The slitaz 3 roadmap listed 256mb as a minimum but maybe yours is not enough (bad ram stick) or maybe slitaz 3 minimum ram usage increased. Get and run memtest to check ram or try a loram flavor.
  • OliwhoOliwho March 2010
    hi mojo and slicel!

    I tried everything - no succes

    probabely it is realy a problem of too little RAM

    Thank you both for your help! :)
  • OliwhoOliwho March 2010
    I've downloaded the loram-Version now and it works (and the version doesn't look too bad to me!)
  • slicelslicel March 2010
    Thank you for posting results.

    Which exact version of slitaz did not work?

    It would help if you could install and run memtest to see if all 256mb of ram is working (if you have two 128mb sticks, one could be bad).

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