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Tazpkg gets error on install
  • gator4798gator4798 March 2010
    First off, I'm kinda new to Linux but not that new. Im having a problem getting tazpkg to install a downloaded tar.
    The file I'm trying to install: (aircrack-ng-1.0.tar.gz)
    And the codes:
    tazpkg install *.gz
    cpio: unsupported cpio format, use newc or crc
    /usr/bin/tazpkg: .:line 2167: can't open /tmp/tazpkg-4602-3054/receipt

    I've tried lots of different ways but am stuck, all files have been updated to their latest versions. Oh I LOVE Slitaz, it works great off my thumb drive!
  • seawolfseawolf March 2010
    Whoa, slow down there!

    TazPkg (the program) is a package manager. .tar.gz files aren't packages, they're archives (like ZIPs) of a directory/file structure.

    Aircrack is available as an 'official' package in the Slitaz repos; type as root:
    tazpkg get-install aircrack-ng
    in a terminal. This will download the .tazpkg file and install it, along with its dependencies.

    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    If you *really* want to compile it yourself (if you're new to Linux, you don't want to) then
    Unpack it using the XArchive program. There will be compilation instructions in there somewhere, under README or INSTALL.


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