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Slitaz on 64bit Athlon?
  • chuckachucka February 2010
    Hello, nice distro, curious if anybody else is running Slitaz on 64bit machines. This is one of my first live-cd distros, so far it's a learning curve. No luck installing the Flash plugin in Minefield, it tries to auto-install but I get
    this message :"/usr/bin/get-flash-plugin : cd: line 53" and then "can't cd to install_flash_player_10_linux"
    Flash on 64bit mozilla has been problematic until recently released linux plugin from Adobe.
    Also, using the usb-stick to store home, but install-to hard drive has failed so far. I'm still working on that. Slitaz is fast on the web. I'm working on 2.0 stable now but also have the cooking ISO "on the back burner".

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