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Wouldn't it be nice to have some docs ?
  • MansourMansour February 2010
    Hello all,
    I am looking for some documentation about installing it from a running linux into a 32 MB old usb.
    I can not find any documentation or if there's a utility to do so. I mounted the iso and peeked into it, but the file there doen't seem to be for a bootable drive. What do I need to get it into the USB ?
    I am working under linux.
  • seawolfseawolf February 2010
    Hi @Mansour --

    If by 'running into a 32 MB old usb' you mean installing SliTaz on to a USB memory sitck and booting it, there are plenty of docs and forum posts on how to accomplish this. I'm not sure if 32MB is a tad too small; you may have to choose a flavour (remix/software collection) that is slightly smaller than the standard one.

    Either way:

    When one Googles "Slitaz usb", the first result describes the TazUSB program. It has it's own GUI for very straightforward use. Check its man page:
    or run the System Tools > Create a Live USB (or something like that)
    for more information.

    The Untebootin utility, available in many leading distro repositories, extracts ISO images and prepares a USB stick for booting them. There have been cases where this is unsuccessful for some versions of SliTaz but I seem to remember my v2 ISO working just fine.


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