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I need help plz!
  • batesbates February 2010
    Hi i currently have the slitaz live cd program installed on my labtop...My labtop was stolen and then found with this software. i figued out the password so i can log in...can this program be removed somehow so i can have my reg computer back>?
  • seawolfseawolf February 2010
    Hi @bates --

    SliTaz is a Linux distribution, a fully-fledged operating system; it may have been installed over your original operating system. A little examination is necessary:

    - use the Mount Box to see if there is a Windows partition can be identified on the drive.
    - use GParted to view the disk structure, to see if any other partitions exist at all
    - modify the bootloader (GRUB) menu to start your other operating system if it still exists.

    There are reams on information on the above subjects. If you really want to remove SliTaz, you will need to either remove the partition it resides in and/or re-install your previous OS.

  • babaorumbabaorum February 2010
    Hi, to check your partitions, please open a command-line terminal, like "xterm" installed by default (Menu Slitaz > Utilities > Xterm terminal):

    (and type "root" which is the default root administrator password, press ENTER to validate)
    fdisk -l

    and tell us what is returned by the "fdisk" utility (each line is a partition, you should look for a partition which type is NTFS or FAT32 (=VFAT), two Windows enabled data formats.
    You will see for sure one line for actual SliTaz installation (Linux can be installed on many data formats: the two most specific types are EXT2 and EXT3).

    -- Babaorum

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