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E17 Windowmanager
  • NikNik January 2010
    I did just try to install the Enlightenment Window Manager (E17) in slitaz-cooking through the Package Manager.
    No error accured. I don't know why, but I can't log in when I choose E17 with F1.
    I'd appreciate any help/ or suggestions.
  • GokhlayehGokhlayeh January 2010
    Hi Nik,

    There is missing symlinks in enlightenment libraries.
    We solve this problem here, but the packages are not rebuilded yet :

    iegubkin find this command to add the missing symlinks :
    for f in $(find /usr/lib/ -name "*ver-svn-05*" ! -path */enlightenment/*); do ln -s $f $(echo $f|sed s/-05/-03/); done

    If you want to build a liveCD with enlightenment, you can use tweaked packages including the symlinks. If you use a HDD install, the command I give solve the problem.
  • NikNik January 2010
    Thank you! Your answer was as good as quick :D
    Oh and I love E17
    I didn't expect such a sweet window manager!
    I am, once more, impressed by Slitaz and Linux in general :)

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