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Problems with remastering / kernel panic with rootfs.gz ?
  • jf_jf_ January 2010
    There's some oddities i'm noticing, and i'm wondering if anybody else is experiencing this:

    - if I compress rootfs.gz using the lzma binary in my host system (non-slitaz; lzma 4.43), and then generate the iso, I get a kernel panic when I boot on a physical machine with this iso. HOWEVER (and this bugs me), when I test this exact same iso/disc using virtualbox, I get no problems at all.

    - if I do the compression using slitaz (lzma 4.57), the iso is good for both virtualbox, and the physical machine!

    I'll have more reports out as i do more troubleshooting - but i wanted to get this question out as soon as possible, so anybody else having the same problem can just chip in and help/be helped.
  • newusernewuser January 2010
    checck here:
    and use this:find | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -2 > ../rootfs.gz , to make your rootfs
  • jf_jf_ January 2010
    ok, guess one of my suspicions was confirmed. Recompressing with the same lzma version works....

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