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How to install intel i810 video driver?
  • jamantajamanta December 2009
    hi, i'm new in Sli taz, and i install in my P3, but my video not recognizate.
    I need install my video driver, but i don`t know how.
    my video is intel i810, motherboard are Asus P3W.

    Sorry for my bad english.
  • chompachompa December 2009
    Im new to drivers of this sort i have allways had nvidia but it looks like MESA is what you need? someone else may be able to confirm this.

    This may also help:
  • chompachompa December 2009
    try this? im unsure if it will work tho.

    Install the package 'mesa-dri-intel'

    i think you haveto tell xorg to use the mesa driver in the config usually located in /ect/x11/xorg.conf?
  • jozeejozee December 2009
    try "xorg-xf86-video-intel" pkg

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