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  • searchfgold6789searchfgold6789 January 2011
    I got the correct .run driver package for linux from the nVidia website, but it says I cannot be running an x session while running the installer for the drivers. How can I login without starting X?
  • michaelkbischofmichaelkbischof January 2011
    Easy: you log out of the present session. Then you are without a visible screen and can login again. ,,Normally" one could do it as well like this:
    into a root Konsole you type ,,init 3" which stops the X-server. Then you have to serve the processing of compiling the driver package by konsole means. This I tried today in vain under Mandriva. With Slitaz it is much easier as they already offer a ready driver via tazhw. Just click on ,,nvidia" under ,,Hardware". The rest is automatic.
    But => again you have to leave the session for a moment to adjust the Xserver anew.
  • searchfgold6789searchfgold6789 January 2011
    Well what I was looking for was the ctrl-alt-backspace trick, which I eventually found on the internet but thanks for the post!

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