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someone has installed proxmox in slitaz ???
  • quboqubo January 2011
    HI I was wondering if someone in the community had installed proxmox VE in slitaz ( )
    I would like to install on a slitaz but the 32 bits version.

    so any feedback if somenone has achieve this ??

    thanks for all your help and support
  • ErjoErjo January 2011
    No proxmox but i'm working on OpenVZ.

    You can try this LiveCD:

    It works wih kernel openvz kernel ( and a nice Web GUI (

    Note: I have a lot of things to do and some bugs to fix.

  • quboqubo January 2011
    thanks erjo. but is your experencience with openVZ vs virtualbox. it is much faster what is your review. thanks so much
  • quboqubo January 2011
    other question the livecd can be installed in the HD ? does it accept Hyper-Threading ? and what you see is better. virtualbox or openVZ ? what is your experience with both  thanks so much
  • quboqubo January 2011
    by the way the link you gave me  is a nice web gui. I was wondering if this web gui. can be used in a remote pc in order to manage the openVz-slitaz server ? if yes it would be nice since there are less ressources in the host machine

    a nice Web GUI (
  • ErjoErjo January 2011
    Not the same goal.
    I have no particular review.

    Yes the livecd can be install on HD, but now it's just a kind of 'demo'.
    Yes it accept Hyper-Threading.
    I will use OpenVZ for Servers. I use Virtualbox 
    with Slitaz to have a Windows Workstation  for my job and for testing various OSes
    or Slitaz Flavors.
    It's depends of you needs...

    The Web GUI is only for managing Virtual Machines not the host.
    You can access the GUI with you preferred browser ( http://<ip_address_of_the_box>:3000 ).
    If you want to manage the host you have to use the console or remotely with SSH.

  • quboqubo January 2011
    Hi Erjo
    I did some research about openvz and virtualbox it seems that openvz is much better and faster. I am very interested in the slitaz-openvz combo. that you are compiling or fixing. how long do you think this could be achieve in order to use slitaz-openvz as production stable ?

    thanks so much for all your support
  • quboqubo January 2011
    by the way my objective is use as a server since I want to put the server several PBX distros but only using one at time. I want to install freePBX and FreeSwitch as standalone server so that is because I will go with slitaz-openvz

  • quboqubo January 2011
    other questions the slitaz-openvz live CD is 19 mb only. why is so little ? the slitaz only has 30 mb  what size do you expect with final release (slitaz-openvz) ?
  • ErjoErjo January 2011

    19Mb, because i start from slitaz-base flavor (8Mb) which is in text-mode only.

    As is not necessary, i will try to keep the size lower that i can. May be 30 or 50Mb max.

    You can follow it on the labs:
  • quboqubo January 2011
    I understood the size and agree. this project seems very nice. I am very interested on this. by the way this could be possible??

    is possible to when done has an option to install hibrid in the HD. example the core slitaz to start as liveCD installed in the HD but have config to write configs save templates etc.

    this because sometimes there to much electric blackouts. and this make the booting OS to corrupt itself. so with this feature it can be run as livecd but without cd  because is installed in the HD. then because the boot OS is a image that does not change if several blackout the OS remains be with integrity and never corrupted.  and since the templates work the same way the only thing is restart the server without problem ( by experencien with a centos install. I had problems with blackouts and the disk was broken since the OS was corrupted and lock the write proccess on the disk and I could not format or fixed then turn it useless.

    thanks for all your nice work on this. I suppouse for the url you gave me  that you just began this project this 2011 is not ?

    thanks so much
  • ErjoErjo January 2011
    "I am very interested on this. by the way this could be possible??"
    I'm not sure to understand what you mean.

    Yes that's my goal. Keep it smaller and make it work in many way: Live mode, installed or hybrid (it 's like frugal mode, no ?).

    The project first start with Christophe (, i only take the following.

  • quboqubo January 2011
    thanks. yes I mean Frugal but never heard what it means until now. I did a search and I will put what frugal means for other people look at this topic in the forum....

    one last question. if in a frugal install. and taking your prevoius answer. that final reales would be between 30 mb and 50 mb. this also means that the RAM used for this install would be the same 30 to 50 mb in ram in order to load all the OS slitaz-openVZ ? or it could be a little more.   this make me thinks that the OS slitaz-openVZ would be so fast and allow the GUEST with much RAM as the OS host would need low resources

    here the meaning of frugal
    a full, complete install copies each uncompressed
    file that is in the Puppy operating system's file system to a dedicated
    partition ... so there will be the directories /bin, /dev, /etc. /lib,
    /mnt, /proc, /root, /sbin, /var etc etc etc on the partition, each
    filled with hundreds of files

    a frugal (or poor man's) install just copies the files on the CD to the
    hard drive ... a boot loader program can boot Puppy from those files
    exactly the same as if you boot from the CD

    so a frugal install is not a complete install, where a dedicated
    partition is created and the files in the Puppy file system are copied
    to the dedicated partition ... for a frugal install, the 3 or 4 files on
    the CD are copied to the hard drive and they are booted from the hard
    drive exactly the same way they would have been booted from the CD

    that is, a frugal install is just like booting from the CD disc, except you don't need the cd disc or drive

    so with a frugal install are 1) you don't need the cd and 2) the hard
    drive is faster and quieter than the cd drive ... and there are other
    advantages to a frugal install

  • ErjoErjo January 2011
    30  or 50Mb is the size of ISO file not the rootfs.
    Actually the roofs is arround 56Mb. when started, with doing nothing,  the distro consume arround 145Mb of memory.
    I suppose the guest can have the rest of RAM.

    top and df output on my testing machine (P4 with 1Gb RAM) started with LiveUSB.

    Mem: 145084K used, 878344K free, 0K shrd, 0K buff, 55048K cached
    CPU:   0% usr   4% sys   0% nice  95% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% softirq
    Load average: 0.00 0.00 0.00
     1502     1 root     S    43052   4%   0% ruby /usr/share/ovz-web-panel//utils/watchdog/watchdog.rb start
     1499     1 root     S    31400   3%   0% ruby /usr/share/ovz-web-panel//script/server webrick -e production -p 3000 -b -d
     1506     1 root     S    10744   1%   0% ruby /usr/share/ovz-web-panel//utils/hw-daemon/hw-daemon.rb start

    root@slitaz:~# df -h
    Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    tmpfs                   899.5M     54.6M    844.9M   6% /
    tmpfs                   499.7M         0    499.7M   0% /dev/shm
  • ErjoErjo January 2011
    Stopping ovz-weeb-panel can save much memory.
    # /etc/init.d/owp stop
    Mem: 83052K used, 940376K free, 0K shrd, 0K buff, 55060K cached
    CPU:   0% usr   0% sys   0% nice 100% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% softirq
    Load average: 0.00 0.00 0.00

    You can install owp on a remote comptuter,  only start hw-dameon on the HN and subscribe the  HN on the remote server.

    Mem: 87260K used, 936168K free, 0K shrd, 0K buff, 55064K cached
    CPU:   0% usr   0% sys   0% nice 100% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% softirq
    Load average: 0.00 0.00 0.00
     1943     1 root     S     8336   1%   0% ruby /usr/share/ovz-web-panel/utils/hw-daemon/hw-daemon.rb start

  • ErjoErjo January 2011
    I 've upload a new ISO with some fixes ( and temlpates for slitaz-base 2.0 and 3.0. (

  • quboqubo January 2011
    thanks so much Erjo I appreciate so much what you are doing Thanks
  • bodhi_zazenbodhi_zazen January 2011

    Openvz and Virtualbox serve different purposes, so use the right tool for the job / task.


    With Virtualbox , the guest has it's own kernel, so you can run selinux on a Fedora guest or apparmor on Ubuntu. Virtualbox is much better for testing an iso or desktop integration. virtualbox will run Windows hosts and you can run Windows guests (if you have need for such things).

    With Openvz, your guests are much smaller, but they use the host kernel. I do not think you can confine a fedora guest with selinux on an Ubuntu host for example. I would not run X with openvz (it can be done, but not as easily as with VBox). You can not run openvz on windows (windows will not work as either a host node or guest).

    As far as web interfaces go, Proxmox is nice, but owp has a few advantages at the moment. Again, it depends on what you are wanting to do. With proxmox you can connect to the guests over a java applet, very cool, you can not do this with owp.

    Owp allows multiple users and assigns an owner to the guest, not possible with proxmox.

    There are alternate web interfaces available as well.

    The advantage I see with a slitaz host node is a small footprint ie bare bones host node meaning there are minimal applications / binaries installed, much less then a minimal Ubuntu / Debian / Centos minimal server install + openvz kernel.

    @Erjo _ Thank you for the welcome, I will assist where I can.
  • quboqubo January 2011
    well tell me if this can be done with OpenVZ  I want to have a dedicated server. with openvz in frugal mode to install a custom asterisk distro (pbxinaflash that work with centos 5.2) and other distro called fusionpbx that work with ubuntu 10.04
    so they are working as server all the time no windows access
    this can be achieve with openvz ??


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