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Sharing Internet Connections
  • zmoore93zmoore93 January 2011
    Hello all,

    I'm going to try and be as detailed as possible here so please try and bear with me. So in my office area I have 3 computers: Thin Client 1, Thin Client 2, and Desktop 1. I also have a network switch. The thin clients are being used as full computers using SliTaz as the OS on their internal flash cards. What I want to see happen is using Thin Client 1 to receive the wireless connection using its wireless card and send it to the switch using its ethernet port and be able to connect the other two computers to that switch so all have internet access without having to buy some wireless cards or run long ethernet cables to my router. I've done some research and I think the general direction I need to head in to do this is IP masquerading but as to exactly what to do from there on I'm somewhat lost. Any guidance that could be offered on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance, Zackary

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