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How do I include acpi=off at boot from liveCD? SOLVED
  • BillFlemingBillFleming December 2010
    I'm trying to boot Slitaz from liveCD on my Sony Vaio PCG-FX109K (Pentium lll 850 MHz and 512 RAM).  Other Linux distros I have tried need acpi=off at boot on this machine and a change in screen resolution.  When I press F5, then F6 I get the boot options, but if I then type the following at the boot prompt:
    vga=775 acpi=off

    or I type:
    vga=775 slitaz acpi=off

    I get an error message:
    Could not find kernel image: vga=775

    If I let the boot sequence run I get lots of lines of boot activity up to a line:
    bio: create slab bio-0. at 0
    then the flashing cursor and all activity ceases. 

    How can I fix this, please?

    Edit 1:  OK - so I forgot to put slitaz in front of vga=775!
    But I have another problem that I will ask about in another post.
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