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  • trvltrvl December 2010

    Is it posible to play netradio in slitaz? I have the direct link to the channel(s)/ stream(s) I wan't to listen to, but Mplayer won't do it. I have also installed Vlc, and it won't do it either...

    Is there something I need to install, or is it just not possible?
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za December 2010
    What is the link?
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za December 2010
    It's really weird that it's not working in VLC, but trying out and suddenly it works.... weird that :|

    Here's the whole list of them from the same site using pls instead of asx:

    Hope it helps. Btw, to open them in VLC, you need to go to Media-->Open Network and type the url into that box or open the downloaded pls file.

    You may also require the additional codecs provided by gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-ffmpeg, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad and gst-plugins-ugly - it's the easiest way to get all the codecs on to your system ;)
  • mojomojo December 2010
    Takes about 15 seconds to start playing.

    mplayer -cache 150 mms://
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za December 2010
    Yeah I noticed that too, only I used the pls stream. With VLC it took like 20 seconds then it just burst into music which made made me jump!
  • trvltrvl December 2010
    It works with pls, in Mplayer and Vlc.
    Thanks for the link, you made my day a lot better :-)

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