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how to forbid a wifi connexion
  • revenazrevenaz December 2010

    I am using my Slitaz eeepc to check the Internet connections
    How can I forbid the wifi connections in order to check the eth0 connection ?
    When I stop the wifi connected with the stop connection button of the wireless manager, the scanning starts to look for a valid wifi and connects back immediately.
    How can I forbid all wifi connections to be sure the etho cannot connect ?

    in the slitaz network manager I have
    eth0 Ethernet connected (
    lo loopback connected (
    wlan0 Wireless connected (

    If I connect Eth0 and start again the computer I am connected on etho in priority

    If I disconnect eth0 the wifi doesn't take over automatically. It has to be started in the wifi network
    Once the wifi is operated, the network alarm for eth0 stays on the panel

    Thanks for your answer
  • kultexkultex December 2010
    open /etc/network.conf file with leafpad or nano or vi

    # start wifi on boot "yes" or "no"

    and change to


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