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no sound in Slitaz
  • revenazrevenaz November 2010
    I inserted an audio CD in the CD reader/writer but no sound is coming out.
    I cannot see the CD reader in any windows of the system.
    How can I check wether it's recognized ?
  • mojomojo November 2010
    Audio CD's and VCD/SVCD do not contain a filesystem and are not mounted.
    They won't appear in a filemanager,the drive won't appear as mounted,etc...
    They are played as a stream of digital data similar to a vinyl record which is played as a stream of analog data.
    Prior to year 2000 computer CPU power was too slow to convert the digital stream from the cdrom drive to analog in software to output sound to soundcard.
    The digital to analog conversion was done on a chip within the cdrom drive and a 3 conductor cable sends the stereo sound in analog from the drive to an analog input on the soundcard. The software only controls the function of the cdrom drive as to which song it plays,stop,pause,repeat,random play,eject,etc..
    Newer music player's have audiocd plugin software decoder which use the computers CPU to do the conversion so no audiocd cable is required.
    Alsaplayer on slitaz has an audiocd plugin ,put your audiocd in the drive and click the cdrom icon(tooltip:Play CD)to the left of the previous track button on the front of the player.
    By default alsaplayer designates /dev/cdrom the default input device.
    Most cd/dvd drives are not given name /dev/cdrom so nothing happens when you try to play the audiocd.
    This is how I configured my computer.
    Shutdown alsaplayer before you change any configs or you'll lose them.
    Determine the correct device name for my drive:
    Open xterm
    wodim -inq

    Returns on my computer:
    Device was not specified. Trying to find an appropriate drive...
    Detected CD-R drive: /dev/sr0
    Device type : Removable CD-ROM
    Version : 5
    Response Format: 2
    Capabilities :
    Vendor_info : 'TSSTcorp'
    Identification : 'CDDVDW SH-S223F '
    Revision : 'SB00'
    Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.

    Add my Detected CD-R drive: /dev/sr0 to .alsaplayer/config

    tux@slitaz: nano .alsaplayer/config

    Open alsaplayer with audiocd in drive click audiocd icon
    Cd plays, if it's a retail audiocd on freedb and your connected to the internet the track names populate the playlist.

  • kultexkultex November 2010
    iff you are using cooking see here:

    just install alsaplayer and it should work

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