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where i find my zsnes ?
  • hamzahamza November 2010
    hi , iam begginer , and very noob
    i just installed zsnes packeg and all requirement , using tazpkg install ,
    but i cant find the emulator ! where i can lunch it ??
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za November 2010
    It should be under menu--->games depending on which package you used. I think the cooking package doesn't generate a launch icon by default, so you have to open a xterm window and type zsnes to start it.

    Alternative you can use the version I generated here: - I know for a fact it generates the icon in Menu-->Games.
  • godanegodane November 2010
    I think the problem is that you need to update-desktop-database after the install. Thats in desktop-file-utils package. I don't know if thats in your slitaz install or not.

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