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How to install Open Office SliTaz !!
  • kokinhakokinha October 2010
    Hello friends, I am two months trying to install Open Office or Office Br SliTaz anything else.

    I've tried various things, various tutorials, and nothing.

    I wish if someone suber as explained below in step by step because
    I'm in the middle Lay Linux.

    If someone can explain me how to install step by step be grateful.

    Thanks in advance.
  • seawolfseawolf October 2010
    Hi --

    1: switch to root user: su
    2: enter the root password when prompted: root
    3: let it go: get-OpenOffice3
    4: grab a coffee
    5: Menu > Office > 3.2 _______

  • kokinhakokinha October 2010
    An error occurs friend, get-sh OpenOffice3 Not foundAn error occurs friend, get-sh OpenOffice3 Not found.
    What to do ???
  • seawolfseawolf October 2010
    I think then that script isn't installed. Try as root:
    tazpkg get-install get-OpenOffice3 --forced

    to re-install it.
    I assume you're using the standard v3 of SliTaz?
  • erniaernia October 2010
    15 days ago get-openoffice3 was broken in 3.0, if it's still broken look here:

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