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cooking epdfview-cups without icon in desktop file
  • erniaernia October 2010
    because of these rows in /usr/bin/tazwok
    	# Desktop entry (.desktop).
    if [ -d "$_pkg/usr/share/applications" ]; then
    cp -a $_pkg/usr/share/applications $fs/usr/share
    # Homemade desktop file(s) can be in stuff.
    if [ -d "stuff/applications" ]; then
    mkdir -p $fs/usr/share
    cp -a stuff/applications $fs/usr/share
    if [ -f "stuff/$PACKAGE.desktop" ]; then
    mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/applications
    cp -a stuff/$PACKAGE.desktop $fs/usr/share/applications

    and of these row in the receipt
    	cd $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
    rm ../epdfview/pixmaps/icon_epdfview-24.png
    rm ../epdfview/pixmaps/icon_epdfview-48.png
    ln -s ../epdfview/pixmaps/icon_epdfview-32.png epdfview.png

    epdfview-cups genpkg produce a no icon desktop file:
    the first tazwok if copy in $fs/usr/share/applications the original desktop file who refers to icon_epdfview-48.png , which has been deleted
    the second tazwok if does nothing because stuff/applications does not exist
    the third tazwok if does nothing because the desktop file in stuff is epdfview.desktop while the PACKAGE variable contains epdfview-cups .

    1) create a applications subdir in stuff and move the provided desktop file in it, so with the second if tazwok will owerwrite the original desktop file whith the provided one
    2) modify the third if in tazwok to catch stuff/*.desktop. it should be very probably that a desktop file in stuff is there to go in $fs/usr/share/applications :-)

    I chose first solution and it works ;-)

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