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Boot Time Splash Screens
  • ThierryThierry September 2010

    Running my first Slitaz install for a week,
    I just say : Great !

    To finish the job I started, I need few more functionalities :

    1) Boot Time Splash Screen
    Can we implement that with the 3.0 distro ?
    I can't find anything on this ( except for Live-Cd ).

    2) I have been able to make a nice desktop environment with JWM,
    and it covers 99% of the needs, but :

    - I need to get rid of the pop window menu ( right click on the top of a window )
    which is in English and almost not understandable for the purpose of this install.
    Any clue on this one ?

    - When doing a desktopbox logout, jwm pop up a dialog "Asking for confirmation"
    It 's also in English and we don't need this extra-dialog.
    How can I change one of this option ?

    3) the worse in my case. I've choosen pcmanfm as a file manager because it's simple and
    elegant and didn't find simpler ( is there some others ? ).
    The problem, is that the menus and options are much too complicated again
    for the specific purposes I have. Is there something somewhere for pcmanfm
    to behaves differently ( suppression of some menus-options should be the first need )

    4) I think I've found 2 bugs in Slitaz , but for sure I'm not sure at all if it's not me :)
    So, what ( and where ) I have to do to inform about this ?

    Humm, was long :)


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