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How to add "man pages" to the distribution?
  • krusader23krusader23 August 2010
    is there a way to add the "man pages" to SliTaz? Or some other form of documentation for the commandline commands?
    I've looked in the available packages under: "man", "help" "doc" and it appears there is not such a thing as installing a documentation for all the packages I have.
  • SchniggeliSchniggeli January 2011

    really good question. I am also looking for the man pages. If you find an answer, please write the solution in this discussion.
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za January 2011
    You do know that post is a couple of months old right?

    Slitaz doesn't really come with man pages, but it doesn't mean that many of the applications don't come with them. You can get the 'man' command and browser by installing the retawq package. For me it doesn't always work and for those it does work with you need to press the HOME or PAGE UP to get to the man page.
  • SchniggeliSchniggeli January 2011
    I noticed that it is quite old, but obviously no one has ever taken care about. At least, I downloaded the tar-ball for the linux kernel manpages ( and installed them according to the README file. After that (and installation of man, make) I have the man pages for the most important commands at hand. So this question is closed from my point of view.

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