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[SOLVED] - crontab is not working
  • kultexkultex July 2010
    I want to set up a music playing machine (for an exhibition) using the snow-dillo.iso - the shellscripts are working, when I type them in xterm - I set up the crontab for tux -
    crontab -l
    shows the jobs crond is running, but nothing happens.

    Does anybody have any cronjobs running?
  • kultexkultex July 2010
    tested now on my laptop with slitaz-3.0 - the problem seems to be, that cron is running only programs and commands like date - tested with crontab for root and crontab for tux...., but no shellscripts
  • kultexkultex July 2010
    I found a possibility how it works - I had to add sh in the crontab - eg:

    * * * * * sh /home/tux/

  • LexeiiLexeii July 2010
    Also, you can compress shell script with UPX and get standalone executable binary file.
    But, you want uncompress this "script" before edit them.
  • kultexkultex July 2010
    no, I do not want to compress or uncompress the script - normally, when the script works from the shell, you just have write in the users crontab:
    * * * * * /home/tux/

    if this is no enough, you have to sometimes set Shell and Path with:

    but I never had to write sh in a crontab ......
  • LexeiiLexeii July 2010
    Kultex, your solution more simple than mine. But keep in mind, maybe sometime it helps, the clue is "to get regular executable".
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