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Slitaz & GPRS with Siemens M50
  • alonealone June 2010
    Hello! Any one know how to do GPRS in Slitaz for mobile phone Siemens M50 via USB->RS232 Datacable
    I guess this cable use driver "Prolific Technology", becouse this is typed in SERSPL.INF for Windows
    Can any one help with step-by-step guide for making GPRS in Slitaz?

    Thanx you!

  • seawolfseawolf June 2010
    Hi @alone --

    I haven't tried personally, but the following websites may be useful:

    There must be a kernel module available it seems; does the following give =y or =m?
    gzip -cdf /proc/config.gz | grep PPP

    If so, it means the kernel has dial-up support; it should do. My custom kernel doesn't because I have wi-fi everywhere!

    Next, please go to the terminal, plug the phone in and use the following command to see hat the kernel says when it's plugged in. It'll save it to a file, krnel_ppp.txt; please upload that to PasteBin or similar and link to it here.

    dmesg | tail -n 25 > kernel_ppp.txt
    lsmod >> kernel_ppp.txt

    I'm afraid I can't help you further as I don't connect my phone this way; hopefully someone with more experience will be able to help!

    Good luck!
  • alonealone July 2010
    Thanx you! SeaWolf!!! I will try!

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