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Where does the information in amixer come from?
  • slicelslicel June 2010
    Where does the information in amixer come from?

    Thank you.
  • seawolfseawolf June 2010
    Does this page I found in a Google search help?

    What exactly are you trying to find?
  • kultexkultex June 2010

    its really the last time you get an answer from me, als song as you dont say, which laptop you have. Ok - we kow its a centrino, but not which one. Just one more example: In my portege R100 there is a SD-Card slot, but nobody in the last 6 years got it working in linux and it would be stupid to invest time in it.
    As long as I cannot find an information, that somebody got your modem in your specified laptop somewhere, no more answer.

    amixer gets the info from asound.state, which is in SliTaz in /etc, but differs with the distros. It is created by alsactl

    As I alredy wrote here

    in slitaz my modem is recogniced as soundcard by aplay -l, which is very unusual, because I have never seen this before and after in another distro.

    This might be a problem using the modem.

    What is the reason for this, I can not tell, because SliTaz does not use normal alsconfig to configure the soundcard, it uses soundconfig - so this have to be answered by the devs
  • slicelslicel February 2011
    Seawolf, thank you for your answer.  I asked here because slitaz is often different.  I am trying to find why slitaz cannot use my modem.

    Kultex, thank you for your final answer.

    " would be stupid to invest time in it.  As long as I cannot find an information, that somebody got your modem in your specified laptop somewhere, no more answer."

    If everyone thought this way, we would have no slitaz, no computers, and no electricity, because everyone would be waiting for someone else to invent them first.

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