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After using slitaz-installer, grub cannot find /boot/grub/stage1
  • skralljtskralljt May 2010
    After using the cooking iso I downloaded today (because rootfs.gz was not detected on the boot cd) and mounting it on /media/cdrom, I had troubles with a reboot, grub had no entries but only a grub> prompt. so I tried reinstalling slitaz and looked at the installation logfile and it had the following
    start_installer: Sun May 2 20:21:15 UTC 2010
    mount: mounting /dev/hdb on /media/cdrom failed: No medium found
    ask_for_target_dev: /dev/sda3
    ask_for_target_dev: /dev/sda3
    mkfs_target_dev: clean
    removing target: bin
    removing target: boot
    removing target: dev
    removing target: etc
    keeping /home found on: /dev/sda3
    removing target: init
    removing target: lib
    removing target: media
    removing target: mnt
    removing target: proc
    removing target: root
    removing target: sbin
    removing target: sys
    removing target: target
    removing target: tmp
    removing target: usr
    removing target: var
    install_kernel: vmlinuz-

    LZMA 4.57 Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov 2007-12-06
    grub_config: /mnt/target/boot/grub/menu.lst
    install_files: OK
    Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.
    The file /mnt/target/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.
    end_of_install: Sun May 2 20:24:06 UTC 2010

    Which makes me think that slitaz borked my grub installation. I have not been able to restore it using supergrub yet. I am downloading an ubuntu iso with the hope that it can restore grub properly.

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