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Need help with HSDPA, icon225.
  • leifleif April 2010
    - Internet. (Icon225) (mobile, modem, 3G, hsdpa)
    - Eclipse, (Java) install and run as is?
    - RS232 (ttySx). (below A.)
    - C compilers + code headers. Is it included or ...?
    - Perl.
    - Cups, usb printers. RPM-packages?!
    Maybe I am stupid?
    I do not understand how the packages will be implemented.

    A. is it possible to compile the driver in other linux-distro
    and use it on Slitaz?
  • slicelslicel April 2010
    Hello. I can comment on a few items now.

    I am working on a printer "how to" post in the forum now.

    There is a guide for at least one type of 3g.

    You can search both stable and cooking repos.

    There is a tool to convert deb, rpm, and maybe others.

    It is easy to download an iso, burn it to cd, and boot the live cd to try it and look at the package manager (recharge lists after first opening it).

    Slitaz has much potential.

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